Whether you're meeting someone for lunch or just want to stop somewhere halfway, let us take the hassle out of finding somwhere to go...

  1. Click here to start your search.
    Enter your address.
    Enter your destination or the address of the person you're meeting.
    Choose a venue type.
    Hit Submit!
  2. Find a venue using the map or the results list.
    Refine your search if needed or try using the Keyword search.
    Explore different areas by dragging the green arrow anywhere on the map.
    Increase/decrease the search radius by using the slider.
  3. Select a venue from the map or the results.
    Click Email Directions.
    Send you and your friends the directions to the meeting place.
    Tell your friends about this great website!

If you're meeting up with people from more than two locations then use our Meeting Planner to find somewhere in the middle of everyone.

If you're going on a long journey or road trip, use our Journey Planner to plan a more detailed route and make multiple stops to break up the journey.

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